Loving God
May 6, 2022
Recently I was in conversation with a young man who was lamenting the struggle that he felt in loving God. His understanding and appreciation of what God had done for him through the acts of grace was clear. Equally his appreciation of the power and sovereignty of God was an...
Missions Source - The Sovereignty of God
April 30, 2022
God’s sovereignty is defined by his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence (all knowing, present everywhere, all powerful). Nothing that happens within our world is hidden from God's view or outside of God's provision for rescue for those who would call on Him.
The wor...
March 25, 2022
The debate on what is freedom has gained a level of intensity in recent times. The Oxford dictionary’s definition of freedom is
condition of being free or unrestrictedpersonal or civic libertyliberty of action.
To have an appreciation of why freedom Is desired and so...
The Church beyond Covid
March 19, 2022
During the past two years of Covid disruption to the life of our church family, some have asked, “Doesn't the church just add a further complication to the already complex life and can’t I just be a stay-at-home Christian?...
The Power That Saves
March 11, 2022
Romans 1 v 16“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes first for the Jew then for the Gentile.” The question one may ask is what is the gospel designed to save us from? The answer is found in the word salvat...
Why I Have Faith
March 4, 2022
As I move to this final quarter of life, I have cause to reflect on the motive for my life's journey as a Christian.
The Bible makes it clear that to live as a Christian is not a call to easy living.
Mark 3: 34 reads “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himsel...
Mission and Your Mind
February 26, 2022
Mission’s priority has for many, lost its primary focus as the world we live in contends to win our minds through media ladened with choices for quick self-gratification.
Romans 12: 2 understood this conflict. God speaks to his family of faith with sound advice, “Do not ...
Have a Happy New Year in Mission with God.
January 3, 2022
For as long as I can remember, New Year's Day has been a day of good will. Greetings from family, friends, neighbours and even strangers within community, joyfully invite us to a “happy new year”.
So, what does a happy new year look like for a Christian?
The Bible declar...
Christmas Our Reset For Missions
December 10, 2021
The choice is ours. Will we be participants in a secular view of the Christmas season, or will we allow Christmas to be an opportunity for mission reset?
Perhaps unlike any other period of western history, the message of Christmas has almost disappeared into the desperate pu...
The Unique and Unchanging Message
November 26, 2021
The intellectual credentials of Christianity’s message are very strong, much stronger than is often acknowledged. When Christians are troubled by doubts, they only need to look at rival conventional systems in our world to see they are far less credible than faith in God. ...