Thank you for praying for the people and work of GC3.

Prayer is critical to all we and our mission partners do in our ministries so thank you in joining us in praying through the items we provide each week. The task of presenting the Gospel is far from over; there remains vast number of people globally who have yet to hear of God’s love.

Kathleen & Anita (Day 15)

Praise God that an updated edition of the workbook Freedom from Bitterness will be printed soon. We will be scheduling twice yearly workshops to address this much needed topic. The last week in July we will be teaching Steps Towards Freedom in the YWAM discipleship school. Pray for the students and in particular for a young man Jayner, that their hearts will be ready to receive the teaching. Ivan, the leader in crisis, has come to live in Armenia, which makes his restoration process a little easier. Pray for wisdom as we walk alongside him. Praise God for Johnny’s spiritual growth. He is preparing for baptism. Pray for him as he adapts to a masculine lifestyle.

Graham & Betty (Day 20)

This coming weekend we are having a retreat with the theme being "Homiletics". There is a real need for young and older ones to study the Bible and prepare messages as well as presenting them. With only a little more than five weeks before we leave to return to NZ, there seems much to fit in with several visits to other towns, Bible studies, visitors as well as making visits here in the city. There has been one delicate matter to deal with which the Lord has helped with and now needs further follow up before we leave. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Richard & Nancye (Day 17)

It only seems a few weeks ago that our grandson (now 5) rang the bell in a hospital in London to announce that he had finished his treatment for cancer. That announcement was shattered two days ago when he awoke from sleep screaming and complaining of a sore chest and having trouble breathing. He was hospitalised and a lot of tests done and then Jon and Tina, his parents, received the news that the cancer (Wilms tumour on his kidney) had metastasized. As a result, CT scans show that he has three tumours on one of his lungs and a small one on his liver. In a couple of days, he will start 22 weeks of strong chemotherapy as well as radiation. Your prayers for Owen and his treatment would be appreciated, as well as for his parents who are quite devastated.

Murray & Ruth (Day 9)

Praise God that the 5-week course on the poetic books of the Bible went very well. Murray is back home and working over the internet with a translation team as they check their drafted Psalms for accuracy. It is for a national language and the first ever translation for this nation! Pray they will be able to find all verses and words that need correcting. And pray for Murray as he also checks the accuracy of training materials used by consultants in Africa (at their request). 

Marion (Day 7)

On Sat 20th, the Special Summer Kidz programme will be held, and I ask for your prayers that children will respond and join us. God is able.

Ashley (Day 10)

Please keep praying for my grandparents, that Grandma’s medication will be sorted soon, that good friends would come alongside Grandpa, for an abundance of peace, comfort and that they would know Jesus personally. Pray for our two older girls in Selah Nico & Roza, we see there is a change in them. They are aware of the cultural expectation to marry soon. Pray God would protect them from this. They are only 13 & 12. Razvan and Narcis’ brother has got in serious trouble, and it seems their family is chaotic and violent. These boys look to their family as an example. Pray God would work in this family and change hearts and lives. Keep praying for Rudi, for God to change the trajectory of his life. He had a relatively good but short period, but there is a village rumour he made a bad choice. We don’t know yet if it is true, but he needs a lot of prayer regardless! Thank you! 

Robert & Ayesha (Day 13)

Thank you for your prayers for us and the mission. We’ve had a fruitful summer sharing the gospel with friends. Please pray for our many new friendships - that our friends would remain open over the remainder of the summer and are easy to connect with when they return for the new school year. We’d appreciate prayer for good health, rest and time together as a family. We have a quick break coming up before universities start again.

Ashley & Gillian (Day 19)

This week the Fiji Combined Assembly Youth are at Savusavu on the second largest island with Open-Air Campaigners having study training sessions. Pray for the Christian youth of Fiji. There are keen core groups placed strategically throughout the country. We have settled back well into the mission ministry and are thankful to the Lord to witness and hear of spiritual growth in the churches, communities, schools, and prisons. Opportunities are wide open for pastoral, home, and hospital visitation with many receptive to the Gospel.

Kirsty (Day 31)

We had a very successful trip with a group of students and teachers from the UK. This is an annual event where they come and visit Limapela School and participate in some other cultural activities. While the trip is not a Christian outreach, it was an incredible opportunity to have meaningful conversations with both the students and teachers. It was so clear that a lot of the people on the trip are searching for purpose, and I am praying that God will use this time in Zambia to draw them to himself! 

Jonah & Anna (Day 31)

We're so grateful, our visas have all been approved without issue. It's not something to take for granted! We're also thankful to get the two boys into daycare. They were a bit nervous, but their attitude has been so good. One said, "I know I'll make all those other kids into my friends!" Fortunately, the other kids are pretty friendly too.

Please pray we stay tuned into the Lord and use our time in the best way for his purposes. It's monsoon season here, so there is a lot of destruction and loss of life, as happens every year. Pray that people can find hope in Jesus.

Ben & Rebekah (Day 5)

We are thrilled to share that on June 18th we were blessed with the arrival of baby Rosa! She's an absolute joy, and big sister could not be any prouder. It's also with thankful hearts that we want to share that on May 29th Ben became a US citizen (now a dual citizen of the United States and New Zealand)! Thank you for prayerfully walking along this journey with us!

Jason & Shirley (Day 4)

We are grateful to the Lord for the evidence of His working in people’s lives, especially the younger generation. Progress being made on O.T. translation is a blessing. The book of Joshua has now been added to the Torah and future work is being focused on the book of Judges. Cell phones dedicated to scripture only, allow cross referencing and search capability to bless those who are seeking. July 17th – 20th we would value prayer for a seminar for Bible teachers and outreach workers.


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