

Without Easter...

April 6, 2023
Without Easter, there is no mission, because without Easter, there is no Good News, there is no Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most pivotal event in all of history. At Easter, we remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It rep...
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Christian mission has passed through several stages:First millennium: During the first millennium, Christians evangelized all the tribes of Europe and Eastern Christians took the gospel across Asia as far as China. Catholic missionary orders: As Eastern Christianity was...
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Loving God

May 6, 2022
Recently I was in conversation with a young man who was lamenting the struggle that he felt in loving God. His understanding and appreciation of what God had done for him through the acts of grace was clear. Equally his appreciation of the power and sovereignty of God was an...
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God’s sovereignty is defined by his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence (all knowing, present everywhere, all powerful). Nothing that happens within our world is hidden from God's view or outside of God's provision for rescue for those who would call on Him. The wor...
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The centre of our Christian faith is the story of Jesus’s death, burial, and triumphant resurrection.  Each year Christians around the world gather together to remember the greatest day in history: Easter Sunday.  The importance of Jesus’ resurrection cannot be...
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The Church beyond Covid

March 19, 2022
During the past two years of Covid disruption to the life of our church family, some have asked, “Doesn't the church just add a further complication to the already complex life and can’t I just be a stay-at-home Christian?...
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The Power That Saves

March 11, 2022
Romans 1 v 16“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes first for the Jew then for the Gentile.” The question one may ask is what is the gospel designed to save us from? The answer is found in the word salvat...
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Mission and Your Mind

February 26, 2022
Mission’s priority has for many, lost its primary focus as the world we live in contends to win our minds through media ladened with choices for quick self-gratification. Romans 12: 2 understood this conflict. God speaks to his family of faith with sound advice, “Do not ...
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Ian McBride is a church elder, Christian businessman and leader, and a trustee on the GC3 Board.  What follows is a summary of a devotion he brought to the Board late last year. 1 Chron 29:5 says, “Who then is willing to consecrate himself this day to the Lord?” (NI...
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For as long as I can remember, New Year's Day has been a day of good will. Greetings from family, friends, neighbours and even strangers within community, joyfully invite us to a “happy new year”. So, what does a happy new year look like for a Christian? The Bible declar...
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