
Martin & Matilda Komau

A seed that bears much fruit.

Martin and Matilda married in 1999, when they were about the age that many Kiwis graduate from university. However they didn't have the opportunity to carry on their education as teenagers. Martin completed 11 years of schooling in 1996 and was unable to do more. Matilda, like many in PNG, only finished primary school. 

"Our Christian life after our marriage was not firm and stable, until we answered God's call and went to English Language Bible School (ELBS)," Martin said. ELBS is a 6-month, 4-year programme at Anguganak. After completing ELBS in 2010, they served with their church for another two years. 

In 2013 they began studying at CLTC, where Martin completed a Bachelor of Theology in 2017 and Matilda graduated with a certificate.  

They returned to Anguganak, where they are in full-time ministry with ELBS from January to June each year. From July to December, they teach in the Girls' Bible School. These two Bible school programmes share the same classrooms, study and library facilities. The Komaus train numerous men and women, equipping them for ministry in local churches throughout the Christian Brethren Churches in PNG.  

Martin originally comes from Usitamu village in the West Sepik (Sandaun) Province. Matilda is from Yifkindu village near the Nuku township. They have three children - Gibson (19), Donatha (17) and Hezekiah (14). 

The GC3 Scholarship Fund

The GC3 Scholarship Fund nurtures national believers to pursue biblical studies, preferably in their home country. The capital fund currently sits at $101,000; only interest on this capital is distributed, so our impact is affected by the financial climate. These scholarships cover up to half of students’ costs, such as course fees, accommodation, books and travel.  

These students live in places where local churches find it difficult to fund ministry training, particularly India, Asia and the Pacific Rim. In each case, a scholarship can make the difference between someone pursuing Bible training or deferring this calling.  

The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. Help us raise up national believers like Martin & Matilda Komau, training them to know God’s word and to disciple others. 


Read more about the GC3 Scholarship Fund by Ossie Fountain here.  

Contact Sefton Marshall on 06 357 8388 if you would like to know more or have any questions about the Scholarship Fund.