We’ve all been concerned for the loss our friends in Australia have had as a consequence of the bush fires. Their devastation is massive. Many are facing the loss of life of loved ones. Many more are now displaced, having lost most of their personal assets. Their future is uncertain, the loss of hope will be huge and the need for help to rebuild lives is urgent.
As we pray for them, let’s also consider ways we can practically support them too. Through our GC Aid trust, we are able to receive donations for disasters of this kind and issue a receipt that qualifies for a tax credit. Your support is therefore tax effective.
GC3's contacts at AMT in Australia say that Stewards of NSW administer financial help for local disasters. And no doubt, we will discover other organisations in due course who are helping folk to rebuild their lives. It’s a wonderful opportunity for Christian people to demonstrate God’s love through personal practical support. Will you stand with us to help them?
Thank you so much for your support.