
Missionary Care Resources

Seventeen e-books are available for download here, or for reading online. These books are also free and may be freely shared. They can be downloaded in several different formats:

  1. pdf (our recommendation)
  2. doc (Microsoft Word)
  3. zip (a zipped copy of the Microsoft Word file)
  4. mobi (for Kindle)
  5. epub (for Sony eReader, Nook, and other compatible e-readers)

The topics are:

  • Third Culture Kids and Adolescence: Cultural Creations
  • Understanding Adolescence
  • Raising Resilient MKs: Resources for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers
  • Psychology for Missionaries
  • Reentry After Short Term Missionary Service
  • Bribery and the Bible
  • We’re Going Home: Reentry for Elementary Children
  • I Don’t Want to Go Home: Parent’s Guide for Reentry for Elementary Children
  • Missionaries and Bribes
  • Coming “Home”: The Reentry Transition
  • Missionary Singles Issues
  • Before You Get "Home": Preparing for Reentry
  • Missionary Marriage Issues
  • Missionary Transitions
  • Missionary Member Care: An Introduction
  • Memories and Musings about Missionary Member Care
  • What Missionaries Ought to Know
