
The Puzzling Invitation

The mystery of God’s invitation to represent him in our world is worthy of our attention.

Have you ever considered the implications of God entrusting his reputation and his message of salvation to us? The risk factors would seem extreme. After all it is God himself who declared us all to be sinners! Personally, as I think of my own inadequacies I am surprised by God’s gracious invitation.

The Christian mission is a call to represent God purposefully by sharing the story of the gospel which Jesus himself declares is his saving provision for mankind to enjoy relationship with God. The motive for this invitation is found in Jesus’s words in John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”.

Clearly this statement delivers a message of lost or found to be delivered by Christ disciples.

The invitation to represent God is practically fulfilled in Christians introducing people to Jesus.  2 Corinthians 5:18 declares that you and I have been given the “ministry of reconciliation” In other words helping people to be reconciled with God! Reconciliation with God means a lot, it means forgiveness, the hope of heaven, and the company of Jesus on life's journey!

The Apostle Paul makes a blunt assessment of this invitation for representatives of Jesus in Romans 10:14-15 “How, then, can they call on the one whom they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Significantly a practical application of being God's representatives is realized in the opportunity we all have to testify to God's goodness and his grace in our lives. As sinners saved by God’s grace we know that we also continue to walk by God's grace.  In this world full of its challenges and difficulties it is really good to be able to share with people how Jesus’s presence encourages and teaches us on life's journey. Being Christ’s representatives allows us to  share the story of  the presence of Jesus in family life, work  life and in the life of our church communities.

In my experience, God is not seeking perfect people representing him! Rather God uses people who honestly represent him because they are motivated by God's love that picks them up and takes them on the journey of faith. These Christians fully recognize their brokenness and need of God's grace every day.

In conclusion listen to the apostle Paul's take on representing Jesus. Romans 7:24 “What a wretched man I am! Who can rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Frankly if you can identify with Paul then “you are made for mission” and God has extended his invitation for you to be his representative.

The puzzle of the invitation is answered by God grace to you & I.

Representing Jesus made sense in 2020 and continues to be an open invitation for 2021. Will you accept his invitation?

Murray Stevenson