
Business as Mission Resources

The 'Global Think Tank on Business as Mission' has been bringing people together to learn more about the strategy of business as mission since it launched in 2012. The Think Tank is now releasing a series of equipping papers and reports for those interested in Business as Mission.

Each of the reports covers a particular topic or geographical region and has involved collaboration by BAM leaders worldwide. Topic-focused reports published so far are: Business as Mission and Church Planting, Franchising, BAM and Human Trafficking, Hostile Environments, BAM at the Base of the Pyramid and Biblical Foundations for BAM.

Geographically-focused reports include: Mongolia, Iran, Nordic countries, Haiti and the latest, "Business as Mission in and from China". The next report to be published will be on metrics for BAM companies, looking at how we can measure spiritual, social and environmental impact, as well as the economic bottom-line.


Download reports and see all reports in series here:https://bamthinktank.org/report

Sign up for Think Tank news and notifications about new reports here:https://eepurl.com/jAz5P