
Headspace - Thailand - Wk 4 & 5

Team One: Khun Klang
Team One heads into teaching at another school, this time for Hmong people. The team run an English programme and partner with the local church and Wycliffe Thailand to run after school programs. These two weeks provide awesome space for God to really work through the team to speak to the Hmong people of his love and care for them.
Pray for the teams to create good rhythms of working in a smaller group. Pray that they would be able to connect well with the Hmong people and that they would see lives impacted from the sharing of Jesus love
Team Two: School on the border
Both teams visit this boarding school on the border separately and stay with the Karen people as it is truly an incredible experience where the gospel is preached freely under the umbrella of a Christian run school. The Gappers teach English during the day and spend time with the students in the afternoons and evening. They also lead Bible studies and Bible assemblies.

  • Pray for the teams to create good rhythms of working in a smaller group. Pray for great connections with the students and wisdom in how to best teach them.