GC Aid Funding Application
GC Aid provides funds towards the holistic development and transformation of communities and individuals within and outside New Zealand. This includes all or any of the following:
Relief of suffering
Disaster relief
Health services
Educational services
Economic aid
GC Aid works in conjunction with aid workers and Governmental and non-Governmental agencies within New Zealand and overseas.
If you have any questions or
require additional information
please contact us.
+64 6 357 8388
If funding is required within New Zealand, we recommend the following:
Seek government funding where available.
The Department of Internal Affairs' Community Matters website (https://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/) has information on applying for Lottery Grants Board or Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) grants and various community funding schemes. Check with your local council about funders in your area. You can find your local council's details through Local Government in New Zealand.
Seek local funding where available.
Research via Google, or visit online directories. Many community organisations and churches provides funding for local community development and transformation.
To apply for funding from GC Aid,
please complete the following application form.
Thanks for your application. Once received we will review the information and make contact with you.